Astrid Nordstad
La mort de Cléopâtre - Berlioz - Astrid Nordstad
Live Performance
l'Orchestre des Jeunes de a Méditerranée au Festival d'Aix en Provence
Soloist - Astrid Nordstad
photo: Erik Berg
The death of Cleopatra:
So it's done! my shame is assured.
Widow of Antony and widow of Caesar,
Delivered into the power of Octavian,
I could not seduce his fierce gaze.
I was defeated, and am dishonoured.
In vain, to revive the splendour of my attractions,
I have profaned the mourning of a wretched widowhood;
In vain, in vain, exhausting art’s secrets,
I have hidden under flowers the chains of slavery;
Nothing could soften the victor’s decrees.
I have dragged and oppressed my greatness at his feet.
My very tears have spilled, flowing over his hands,
And the daughter of the Ptolemies
Has suffered the affront of his refusals!
Ah! How far away are these days, the torment of my memory,
Or on the bosom of the seas, like Venus,
Reflecting the glory of Antony and Caesar,
I appeared triumphant on the banks of the Cydnus!
Actium has delivered me up to the conqueror who defies me;
My sceptre, my treasures have passed into his hands;
My beauty remained mine, and Octavian's contempt
They have done more to conquer me, than the Roman sword.
Ah! how far away these days are, etc.
My very tears have spilled, flowing over his hands,
I suffered the affront of his refusals.
Me!... who from the bosom of the seas, like Venus,
Soared in triumph onto the banks of the Cydnus!
At the height of misfortune, what more should I have to fear?
Guilty queen, what do you say?
Is it for me to complain of the fate that overwhelms me?
Have I the rights of virtue to accuse him?
I have disgraced a husband’s life.
It is through me that Egypt is enslaved to the Romans,
And how quickly the old cult of Isis is destroyed.
What refuge should I seek? Without family! without a country!
It is nothing more for me than the eternal night!
Great Pharaohs, noble kin of Lagos,
Will you see, without anger,
To sleep in your pyramids,
A queen unworthy of you?
No!.. I would not desecrate the splendour
Of your funeral places!
Kings, in the depths of darkness,
You would flee from me in horror.
Is it for me to complain of the fate that overwhelms me?
Have I the right of virtue, to accuse him?
Because of me our gods have fled from Alexandria,
And from then on, the cult of Isis is destroyed.
Great Pharaohs, noble kin of Lagos,
You would flee from me in horror!
Is it for me to complain of the fate that overwhelms me?
Have I the right of virtue to accuse him?
Great Pharaohs, noble kin of Lagos,
Will you see, without anger,
To sleep in your pyramids,
A queen unworthy of you?
No, I have disgraced a husband’s life.
His ashes are before my eyes, his ghost pursues me.
Because of me, Egypt is enslaved to the Romans.
Because of me our gods have fled from the walls of Alexandria,
And of cult of Isis is destroyed.
Osiris forbids me my crown.
To Typhon I give up my life!
Against the horrors that surround me
A vile reptile is my recourse.
Gods of the Nile... you have... betrayed me!
Octavius... is waiting for me... at his chariot.
Cleopatra in... leaving... life,
Becomes worthy again of... Caesar!